Get to know us better
Homes, land, hotels, in general all kinds of properties we have been selling for more than 22 years. We are proud to be one of the most important real estate agencies in the city.

Our real estate services
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Are you looking for a house? We can help you find it.
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Do you have a new job and are you moving to a new place? We can help you find it.
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Do you think selling your home?
We want to help you!
Can we take care of the general arrangements, from the Reservation, Check-in — Check-out.
Delegate the administrative management to professionals and we take care that the customer service is first class and that your house is always in optimal condition, we also send you an Income and Expenses report month by month.
True Testimonials
Clients through Google Business

Yahaira Almonte
Excellent agency located in Las Terrenas Samana Dominican Republic, very good customer service, Serious and Responsible! The best place to make a very good purchase of Real Estate and rentals of apartments, Villas, etc!
From: Ausgezeichnete immobielienagentur in “Las Terrenas Samaná”, Dominikanische Republik! sehr Gute Kundenbetreuung! Die sind ernsten Personen und verantworlichvoll! It’s ist die beste Ort, wo man Immobilien kaufen kann! Wie Häuser, Villen und Apartments usw. Ich empfehle is 100%

Roberta Coronado
A wonderfully wonderful place !!! No complaints .. excellent attentions .. I was staying at Villa Julia and I was fascinated I recommend it 100% I’ll be back soon !!! It’s a paradise..

Jennifer Fernandez
Excellent service super recommended !! there are no complaints about that paradise !!!
Where to contact us